And there’s only one thing in your mind other than the fate of your kidnapped son: Because what is a post-apocalyptic Wasteland without its weapons? These are mods that change the appearance of your character, whether they’re male or female. While some players find the effective ranges of weapons in Fallout 4 too forgiving, others feel like some weapons are simply too underpowered to remain grounded in reality.

Have you been hankering for a good giggle in the dusty, depressing wasteland? This mod adds 3 new sets of armor to Fallout 4: - Halo 3/ODST Style ODST Armor. And while I do appreciate that I can find essentially any specific weapon in the Nexus to equip my Sole Survivor with, I’d rather not spend that much time building my perfect arsenal. You thought we’d left Area 51 empty-handed? Speaking of videogame classics, few weapons are as well-known and appreciated as the AK74, in all of its variations. Other than that, this mod also has other types of anti-tank weapons, which are Type76 and Black Shark. I can’t remember it crashing on me ever, and I’ve put in about 30+ hours so far my current playthrough. The Pipboy still opens and works normally though of course. Nelson Chitty is a Venezuelan expat living in Argentina. If you want to read more articles like this, make sure to check out our complete list of Fallout 4 Mods for Xbox One! This mod changes the graphics of roads in Fallout 4 on Xbox One. Moving away from packs, we’re not at the RU556 Assault Rifle. I didn't say all mods were safe but a Halo mod for a Fallout game was fine which means on the Nexus a Halo mod for Fallout 4 should be relatively safe.

In this list, we’re going to take a look at some of the Best mods for Immersion in Fallout 4. Have you ever thought that the way Fallout 4 handles ballistics is too… basic? Here's the thing: you can't search for these ones through the mod list directly. This mod by Invalidfate includes four different Lightsabers varying in color and weapon equip animation, all of which actually emit light and can cast shadows.