How to check which windower addons are active
How to check which windower addons are active

how to check which windower addons are active how to check which windower addons are active

I logged out and back onto a different character on the same account, still works.

how to check which windower addons are active

To be clear, I had never used it before so I had enabled it for the first time just now. I initially set it to "Off" to log in, then enabled in while in-game. I actually never used the Send add-on, but for the purposes of testing I have enabled it. There are some other Add-ons I use that I manually launch on an 'as-needed' basis, but they would not be coming up automatically. If there is a preferred alternative way to list them, please let me know. I drew this list from the Settings.xml file in my base Windower4 directory.

How to check which windower addons are active