The codex astartes names this maneuver
The codex astartes names this maneuver

A moment of peace followed the Great Rift opening in which they launched many campaigns. Multiple invasions followed through their history, Chaos invasions by Khorne daemons took the life of Chapter Master Duark and three captains. Thankfully for the guardians, Riehk was victorious. Riehk, with his squad, stormed an ork stompa, and Riehk was in a mighty duel with Turkgurl once they made it to the upper level, the throne room. Their first Chapter Master, a grim man by the name of Alkalon Riehk, personally slew the Ork Warlord Turkgurl da killa. Slaying their way to the capital of Orlrava Prime, the Guardians were eventually successful. When they arrived the system was under vicious assault by the the Orks.

the codex astartes names this maneuver the codex astartes names this maneuver

With the Imperial Fists' reputation of being great defenders the Thunder Guardians were sent to stand sentinel over the Orlrava Sector. The Thunder Guardians Chapter was founded during the honorable 8 th Founding, with their progenitors being the venerable Imperial Fists.

The codex astartes names this maneuver